The project Equal Sport for All is running towards to its end (2016 – 2019) and its final conference took place on 9th and 10th December at the Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece.
Through this final meeting, all the results of our project in an open and constructive dialogue about their evaluation as well as strategies for the sustainability of its impact were presented. Also, presentations on specific topics in The role of sports in prevention and in disability, Physical activity for managing disability in rheumatoid arthritis, Sports and mental health, Good practices of inclusion through sports in Europe and a workshop/live intervention for Dancing and disability: Modern learning interventions were presented in this two day-conference.
After almost three-year partnership, appropriate guide –models mass athletics for sports for students with disabilities have been managed to develop by providing additional, alternative and innovative ways to engage them and to prove that there is a range of opportunities, with more choices and opportunities to participate.